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3rd International Conference on Geographical Science for Resilient Communities, Ecosystems and Livelihoods under Global Environmental Change (GORILLA) 2024


Call for Abstracts

Resilience of ecological and social systems has gained heightened attention globally and are at the center of the United Nations Global Development Agenda 2030. The interest is manifested in; (a) the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets, (b) the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2015-2030 with its four priorities and 7 targets (c) the Paris Agreement geared at keeping temperature within the 1.50 - 20C threshold. The Global Sustainability agenda aspired to build sustainable and resilience pathways and systems. There is broad convergence among scientists, policy makers and practitioners, development actors and governments that contextual knowledge creation and utility coupled with harnessing evolving and emerging technology are critical ingredients.

The 3nd International GORILLA conference is anchored and spurred by the desire to contribute to the realization of the Global Development Agenda 2030. The GORILLA conference will be organized around the following sub-themes;

Submit Abstracts

A 250-word abstract on the topics of the conference is required for those intending to make presentations. Both oral and poster presentations in the conference will be accepted. In addition, specific proposals for sessions may also be accepted. Abstracts will be submitted online at the submit-abstracts page.

Abstracts will be reviewed in real-time and feedback on acceptance will be given to the proponents after being subjected to a peer review process. The deadline for abstract submission and notification are as follows;

  • Deadline abstract submission:                 31st August 2024
  • Latest Notification of abstract:                 31st October 2024